A quirky newlyweds exploration of veganism/vegetarianism, building a relationship with Christ, living in a new country and a desperate attempt to discover happiness and satisfaction within. All while trying to put a clever and entertaining twist on her crazy perspective of this world. After all, at the end of the day, all that really matters is laughter and love.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Jillian Speaks her mind! The famous trainers view on the new "plate"

My last post was about Michelle Obama's release of the new design of the food pyramid- now a simple plate. You can read the short post directly before this one, but in a nutshell I feel that it is a step in the right direction, while still being somewhat misguided. The one and only Ms. Jillian Michael's (who I simply adore! Jill-When are you going to go vegan already!?!?!) has some much stronger and more educated thoughts on the subject. She actually lays out a plan to help increase the production of more affordable organic foods, and even suggests "taxing the hell" out of the factory farms using dangerous antibiotics and inhumane practices. This is a great read- 3 short pages- and shows a bit of Jillian's fiery side! It's so exciting to have someone so knowledgeable write so honestly about the issues with our food industry.

Jillian Michael's Food Plate Article

Friday, June 3, 2011

Well isn't this interesting?

The newest version of the food pyramid is out! And guess what? It's completely focused on eating a more plant based diet and introducing more veggie and fruits into our meals! Imagine that?!?! Of course there is a small section of the plate devoted to "protein" but let's face it- protein does not mean MEAT! In fact, meat isn't even mentioned. I am a little bummed at the "suggestion" to still have dairy at every meal (um what?? That doesn't begin to make sense), but I think this at least has the proper focus- plant based diets! From the looks of it your plate should be at least HALF fruits and veggies, and LESS than a fourth should be devoted to your protein source! Quite a change from the typical Western diet (According to the American Heart Association Americans eat on average 50% more protein then is recommended). Looks like a step in the right direction to me! Nice work Mrs. Obama and Dr. Benjamin (GIRL POWER!) Not perfect, but I'll take it! As they would say in Costa Rica- Poco a poco!

New pyramid is actually a plate!