A quirky newlyweds exploration of veganism/vegetarianism, building a relationship with Christ, living in a new country and a desperate attempt to discover happiness and satisfaction within. All while trying to put a clever and entertaining twist on her crazy perspective of this world. After all, at the end of the day, all that really matters is laughter and love.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Has congress lost its mind?

Although I do not have children now, one day I will! Even if I didn't I would still feel strongly about this. What we are teaching our children will have a lasting effect on the world and those who live in it- thats me and you! I feel the USDA it trying to make moves in the right direction and Congress can't seem to get on board. Past experience shows that a little "nudging" from the little guy (me and you!) can go a long way.

Let me just lay it out there- pizza is NOT a vegetable. Neither are french fries. This is pretty basic stuff here. If those who have been voted into Congress to aid in running our country can't figure this out we've got some serious issues. If you think that its completely insane that Congress if fighting to keep pizza labeled as a VEGETABLE in our children's food, take 2 minutes and click on the link below.

Side note: I just found out that one slice of cheese pizza from Costco has 700 calories. No, I'm not kidding. So gross.

Check out the facts and take action now!

Additional article on the issue- Good quick read!

Honestly look at the picture below. Let me caption it for you.
Top left to right: sugar, sugar and casein, sugar
Bottom left to right: fat (butter and corn which hardly counts a vegetable), carb and fat patty.

That joke of a "pizza" hardly counts as a vegetable. It's insulting that Congress would suggest otherwise.

I wouldn't eat this. The children out there shouldn't have to either.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Veganism is spreading!

Imagine my excitement when I went to check my email and logged on to see  an article on veganism on the front page of Yahoo. Thrilling!

 "Someone like Bill Clinton who grew up on southern comfort food talking about his vegan diet — it shows how things are changing."

I particularly love this quote because I spent the last two weeks visiting family throughout Tennessee, Alabama and Louisiana. Talk about comfort food! New post on my travels coming soon! For now check out the article below! 


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Could I be more excited? Ellen and Portia are opening a vegan restaurant!!! Forget about my endless obsession with Ellen's dancing and my eternal love for The Bluth family- now we're throwing vegan food into the mix? Do you think theres a chance of running into Tobias there? I have got to get out to LA ASAP! Who has space for me to crash?

Ellen and Portia's new restaurant!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Occupy Wall Street and the connection to food

I have to say I find the whole "Occupy Wall Street" thing a mess. There are a bunch of people with a ton of different platforms and different agendas playing hookie from real life in order to accomplish. . . well Im not really sure what they are trying to accomplish. Do they really plan on protesting until Wall Street closes down? Or should all CEO's just walk out there and hand them the keys and rights to their companies? When is it time for them to stop protesting? I've heard a great deal of speculation on what exactly the protesters want, but to be honest, I'm still unclear. And if someone is interested in, researching, and reading about this thing and still can't figure it out, then they are doing something wrong. While they may have some valid points the utter and complete lack of organization makes it pretty hard to take them seriously.
Of course, I firmly believe in the importance of looking at every situation from several angles. Although I may believe one way about something, if I am unwilling to hear the other side of the story, then I must somehow know I am wrong. You shouldn't fear criticism or healthy debate, but rather use it to strengthen and sometimes even change your views.
When I came across this article I was impressed. While I do think it is irresponsible (and ultimately pointless) to poop on a side street in New York to prove an unknown point, understanding the connection between the food on your plate and the government and large corporations is something that should be examined.

Why the Food Movement should Occupy Wall Street

While I don't agree with the title of the article there is some excellent insight. I think if you want something you need to work for it, not stand around and complain about it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bottled water- Have we been duped?

One of my most well educated, world traveled and ethically sound friends sent this to me (I love you Priscilla Kuehnel!). It's the story of water bottles. A large part of working to live an animal product free life is the focus on the environment. While I felt I knew most of this information, I did not know it to the extent it is revealed in this short film. I was also completely floored when watching the section on where our "recycled" water bottles go. What is so stunning about this information is the remarkable similarity I see between the beverage industry and the meat industry.

The story of bottled water

Thank Pris! You're always teaching me something new!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I had a miscarriage

Let me begin by making something very clear. My choice in making this public is not a cry for attention. I am blessed enough to have an amazing family and friends that have supported both Dave and I throughout this time in our lives.  I’m not looking for pity. I have a goal and I want my own personal agenda to distract from that- so let’s start from the beginning.

I was pregnant- and it was wonderful. The excitement, the love, the focus on the future! Dave and I couldn’t have been more thrilled. We, of course, had shared our blessing with our family and some close friends. I don’t think that you ever fully understand how much you want a child until you have one growing inside of you. It’s terrifying and thrilling- all at the same confusing time! But you get one month into it, and then you are two, and even three months into it, and suddenly nothing else matters. Its unimaginable, indescribable wonder.

Dave and I chose not to publically share our pregnancy because we were aware of the high rate of miscarriage. After reading a million books by “experts” the general consensus is that approximately 18-20% of women miscarry. Luckily (or not) I also have found that experts generally agree that after the baby’s heart starts to beat this percentage drops to only 5% or less. So, being 10 weeks pregnant, and knowing that the heart begins beating around week 6 (give or take) I was no longer concerned with the idea of miscarriage. After all, there was no bleeding, and everything was  “normal.” I was going to have a baby.

Wrong. So very wrong. So unimaginably wrong. I had no idea that what happened to us was even possible.

Facebook has changed society as we know it. I know that may be a somewhat silly statement to make, but it is true. Dave and I had several discussions about when to announce our pregnancy on facebook. We had to make sure that we contacted correct people before posting it, so that no one would feel left out. We also had to make sure that nothing was wrong. So, we had decided that after going for our first ultrasound we would post the news online.

So off we went. Nearly three months pregnant and ready for our first viewing of our little jellybean baby! And we saw her. And she was beautiful. I’ve never felt so connected in my life as I did when I saw the first picture of my child. Beautiful.  Anyone who is a mother knows that there are not words to describe this moment. It is truly a gift from God.

Seconds after seeing her, my doctor (who is nothing short of stunning) quickly flipped the screen away from us. We spent a horrifying 5 minutes (that felt like five hours) in silence. Then I scooted up as she flipped off the screen. There was no heartbeat. Our child had passed away before she even lived. She died two weeks ago and my body didn’t realize it. My body literally had no idea. And our future was crushed. Every plan we made was irrelevant. We had not prepared for this. We didn’t even know it was possible. We were supposed to walk out with a picture of our baby and announce the good news to the world.
Surgery was scheduled. Three days later my uterus was scraped out and my child was removed.

So here we are. This is my reasoning for writing this. WHY? Why didn’t I know that this could happen? Why is it that as I am going through this I have to go to online chat rooms to find women who are suffering the same loss? 20% of women miscarry. That’s 1 in 5. Let me say it again. 1 in 5! I do not understand for the life of me why divorce, marriage, birth, death, and every other aspect of life are all over the place, and miscarriage is nowhere to be found. It’s a reality of life.
I don’t understand. If someone loses a parent or a child (that was born) it is discussed. Why then are we so reluctant to talk about this subject? Everyone keeps telling me that it is so normal and so common. Fantastic! Then why do I not have anyone to discuss this with? Why is it some huge secret that no one speaks of? I simply don’t understand.

As some people may know, Dave and I recently moved back from Costa Rica. It is because of this that we do not have health insurance. You simply don’t need it there. Your payments for doctor visits, ER, prescriptions, etc. are the same or less than they are in the US for copays. When we found out that I needed surgery to remove her, we also found out that we had to pay a great deal of money out of pocket for this to happen. As I mentioned before, I am blessed with unbelievably giving and supportive parents. Many, probably most, people are not as blessed as I am.

I decided to share this after a look at a support group online. A woman went through what I did- A missed miscarriage (where the child dies but your body doesn’t recognize it). This woman had lived for five months with her deceased child inside of her. She did not have the money to pay for the surgery and she didn’t feel comfortable discussing it with anyone else.  Are You Kidding Me??? Why are women in the US going through this? ALONE? Is in not enough to have to mourn the loss of your child? Why is it only socially acceptable to turn to an online group as an anonymous person?

In the past few years of my life I have become a very health conscious person. I cherish my body. I rarely drink, I do not smoke and I do not eat animal products. After becoming pregnant I was almost obsessive. No caffeine, no processed food, perfection of my exercise schedule, etc. I did all that I could to assure the perfect environment for my child. And she died. There is guilt. There is endless guilt associated with this. I did all that I could. Or did I? The nagging questions can completely envelope you. This experience will change you in a way that is incomprehensible.

My only hope in writing and posting this is that more attention will be brought to an “issue” that is actually more of a reality of life. I hope to inspire others to talk about this. I have absolute faith in God and his plan for me and Dave and our family, that one day WILL be here. I will be blessed with a child and I do not care if I have 9 months of pregnancy or 9 months on an adoption list or 9 months with a foster child. My child is out there. But it hurts. And I hurt. And others are hurting. And most importantly, other are hurting and cannot talk about it. I’m nothing special- just a mom (YES, I consider myself a mother) with a passion to keep others from feeling as isolated as I have. My support system has been astonishing. This situation has shone a bright light on the wonderful people in my life. Perhaps God needed me to see that. But for those who do not have what I have, I only want you to know that you have a voice. You can do what you wish with that voice, but I would encourage you to speak up.

We are desperately trying to have a child naturally now. Perhaps some part of me is broken. And maybe its Dave. Maybe its nothing. But maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe there is some unborn child out there who will need me to raise him/her. God does have a plan. I believe that now more than I ever have in my life.  I’ve never known a more honest, annoying, irritating, truthful saying. “God has a plan.” I want to pull my hair out when someone says that to me, and at the same time its the only thing that puts me to sleep at night. 

All I know is that one day I will have my child. For now, I am blessed enough to have wonderfully supportive people in my life. I am not ashamed, and I am not to blame.  

I lost a child. But I gained so much more. I don't wish for anyone to ever feel the loss that I have, but I do hope that someones loss is more bearable because of me. We each have a purpose. If we can each lessen the pain of one person, we've accomplished something great. I hope this post has done that.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Jillian Speaks her mind! The famous trainers view on the new "plate"

My last post was about Michelle Obama's release of the new design of the food pyramid- now a simple plate. You can read the short post directly before this one, but in a nutshell I feel that it is a step in the right direction, while still being somewhat misguided. The one and only Ms. Jillian Michael's (who I simply adore! Jill-When are you going to go vegan already!?!?!) has some much stronger and more educated thoughts on the subject. She actually lays out a plan to help increase the production of more affordable organic foods, and even suggests "taxing the hell" out of the factory farms using dangerous antibiotics and inhumane practices. This is a great read- 3 short pages- and shows a bit of Jillian's fiery side! It's so exciting to have someone so knowledgeable write so honestly about the issues with our food industry.

Jillian Michael's Food Plate Article

Friday, June 3, 2011

Well isn't this interesting?

The newest version of the food pyramid is out! And guess what? It's completely focused on eating a more plant based diet and introducing more veggie and fruits into our meals! Imagine that?!?! Of course there is a small section of the plate devoted to "protein" but let's face it- protein does not mean MEAT! In fact, meat isn't even mentioned. I am a little bummed at the "suggestion" to still have dairy at every meal (um what?? That doesn't begin to make sense), but I think this at least has the proper focus- plant based diets! From the looks of it your plate should be at least HALF fruits and veggies, and LESS than a fourth should be devoted to your protein source! Quite a change from the typical Western diet (According to the American Heart Association Americans eat on average 50% more protein then is recommended). Looks like a step in the right direction to me! Nice work Mrs. Obama and Dr. Benjamin (GIRL POWER!) Not perfect, but I'll take it! As they would say in Costa Rica- Poco a poco!

New pyramid is actually a plate!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Let me start this by saying that I have nothing against PETA at all. I think they are an amazing organization that has done wonders in the field of animal cruelty. That being said, I don't necessarily (personally) agree with a lot of their actions. Sometimes, for me they take it a bit over the top and can get EXTREMELY political- something I am not! I honestly don't have a clue about politics, especially now that I am living in Costa Rica. I would like to watch a basketball game with Obama and give him the occasional high five though. He just seems cool. (I honestly don't have a clue about his policies so please don't think I am endorsing him- just think its nice to see a family man with a life and a nice smile as our pres. Plus his wife plants a garden every year and focuses on childhood obesity- score!)
OK- So back to PETA. . .  Sometimes they get a little crazy, but I wouldn't discount them as an excellent resource. Thats why I am posting the link below. It's PETA's vegan/vegetarian starter kit and its FREE! Oh yea! I L-O-V-E a good bargain (OOOH Marshall's how I miss you. I could use some discount designer shoes to hike around CR in)!! You can order it and have it mailed to you, but I would suggest just checking out the online version. You'll be saving trees and animals all at once- what a glorious day! In the second paragraph theres a tiny link that says "online version." You can miss it if you're not looking for it.  So for those of you starting out this is a neat resource. Enjoy!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stupid is as stupid does

I can't believe its been a week since I've posted anything! Sorry about the disappearance! Last week was the final week of my semester and I was busy writing term papers. I would have MUCH preferred to have been blogging about something awesome for my seven followers to check out :) I love you guys for your dedication!

My father has a saying. We only call something stupid for two reasons- 1. We are afraid of it 2. We don’t understand it.

For me, one of the hardest parts of living a healthy lifestyle is discussing it with other people.  A lot of people demand to know why, and when you give your reasoning will criticize you. To this day I am BAFFLED by that reaction. How can it be stupid to live a more natural, healthy, moral life? I have literally argued with people for hours, days, months, about my choice. This is partially my own fault. Simply explaining that it’s MY choice should be reason enough, and if I weren’t so stubborn I would leave it at that.  

What I find to be interesting is that I consider myself fairly well educated on the subject and a majority of the time the ones doing the arguing have no scientifically proven information. Sure they may argue that we need protein. But where did that idea come from? The media? Advertisements? Parents and familiy? A social construct with no empirical evidence what-so-ever? YEA! That’s exactly where it came from. So in essence you are challenging my choice and my lifestyle because you don’t have the information and education on the subject to fully understand it. Anyone who looks at the evidence with an open mind must admit that a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle is AT LEAST equally as healthy as a typical western diet. The FDA will even agree with me on that one. And for the record protein is in beans and legumes of all types, tofu, about any meat replacement you can find is made of SOY, along with ice cream and other dairy replacements, not to mention delish greens are FULL of protein and tons of other amazing nutrients and vitamins without being full of the disgusting antibiotics, diseases, and fats found in meat. 

This isn’t to make anyone feel bad. I was one of those people. I never took the time to research it for myself. Even once I began eating an animal free diet, I still didn’t know as much as I should have on the subject. Perhaps this is why I left so many discussions allowing people to “make” me feel stupid. I hadn’t done the proper leg work to back up my belief. My only purpose in this post is to encourage (maybe challenge is a better word?) those who haven’t researched it themselves to please do so. Please do not come at me with your naive argument that doesn’t have two legs to stand on, much less four. AND if you do have a well educated argument I would LOVE to hear it. I honestly believe that if you dont look at an argument from BOTH sides then you haven't done your work. Only allowing yourself to be exposed to research that supports your belief means that you don't believe it. If you know you are right then you shouldn't be afraid to go over and check out the other side. This should only strengthen your beliefs. 

For the record, I don’t consider this blog to be a sufficient source of information. Even though I feel certain that my points are well backed and based in unbiased (maybe a little biased. . .)  research, it’s up to each of us to do the work for ourselves and form our own opinions.   (Read Eating Animals this second!!!) My hope is to inspire people to make their own decisions and live their life however they decide is most healthy for them personally. (I just know that by encouraging this, no one would ever choose to continue eating the products we call meat, while knowing the truth about where they came from). 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Slightly unrelated, but equally interesting

Venturing into a world without animal products can be a little tricky. I was definitely a pasta, cheese, fried food kinda girl before I hit twenty five and realized I wasn't a spring chick anymore. My decision to stop eating animal products was for both health and humane reasons. My diet is a complete 360 from what it used to be and now I have learned to eat tons of stuff that used to gross me out. I actually crave it sometimes! Below are a couple of short videos that I found that are awesome!

Avocados are used all the time in vegan cooking. They are amazing for adding creaminess to sauces, and they make a great substitute for mayo on sandwiches and veggie burgers. I also throw them on just about every salad I make. Problem is, Im usually not going to knock out an entire avocado in one sitting and even though I know theres nothing wrong with it, I don't like eating them once they turn brown. This video is the JAM when it comes to solving that problem!

Another issue I run into regularly is egg substitutions. In Costa Rica everything is natural. There are very few "products" here, and that includes egg, meat and cheese replacements. On the plus side, it forces me into using natural ingredients. If you are choosing to eat vegan for health reasons, replacing animal products with unnatural products isn't a great idea. Replace with NATURAL ingredients! I do a ton of baking and have used the banana replacement many times, but was at a loss when it came to cooking anything that doesn't really go with the banana flavor. Here are some great alternatives! I esp like the flax seed because you're not only replacing the egg, but you're actually adding nutritional value! Yay fiber!

Don't even think about it!! 

Friday, May 6, 2011


It's finally here!! I posted about this movie a few months ago on facebook. If you didn't check out the trailer then (and even if you did) WATCH IT NOW! And then find out where it is playing and go see it with 20 of your closest friends. I'm gunna go ahead and say it- I think this is going to be even bigger than FOOD INC! At least I hope so from the bottom of my heart. I like to believe (maybe somewhat naively)  that our country is slowly becoming more aware and open to the fact that the food we are eating is literally killing us! I don't care if being vegan or vegetarian is trendy or if people think its a phase- because once you start living the lifestyle I doubt you'll want to go back to poisoning yourself!

Think about it-
Number one killer in the US- heart disease!
Where does heart disease exist? Anywhere where people are eating a western diet
Where doesn't it exist? Anywhere people eat plant based diets that are low in animal and processed products.
Need I say more?

If you need more info check out the website
Its got all the movies times, locations, and tons of other cool info!

And if the Trailer above got you as pumped up as it did me and you want more info, check out the video below. Its just a bit of info on the background of the movie and those involved in the making. If it didn't get you super excited and you're a bit doubtful- def watch this. You can't argue with empirically proven evidence.

"The diet works long term. The diet works short term. We can't get better without it." - loves it!!!
(Although I do dislike the word "diet" because it has such a negative connotation. But I'm choosing to overlook that for now)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

An incomplete guide to newbie-ness as a vegetarian/vegan

It’s funny once you enter the world of living life “animal-free” how quickly you forget how few people know about veganism. Two years ago I couldn’t have told you the definition. But now all of that has changed. I’ve got to admit, at times its still SUPER intimidating. I honestly don’t know how people just go cold turkey and live 100% totally vegan the rest of their lives. We, sadly, use animal products in almost everything! It wasn’t until a couple of months into my research that I started to find out about the clothing, shoes, beauty products, and on and on and on that contain animal products! It’s unexpected and completely overwhelming- and that’s an understatement.  

The most important rule to keep in mind is that we’re human! We make mistakes! We are not perfect! And expecting to live a life free of animal products from day one without slipping is an IMPOSSIBLE task! Repeat it with me kids! “IMPOSSIBLE!” If you go in with this mind set you will burn out and end up doing more damage than good. If you truly want to make an impact with your health and our food industry maintaining a vegan lifestyle over an extended period of time is key.

A very successful (and healthy) nutritionist told me that he eats one unhealthy item per day. Eating vegan is like going on a diet. Don’t crash diet and make yourself crazy. You’ll buckle and probably end up binging on animal flesh (I hope that sounds as nasty as it is). If you need that slice of cheese pizza on Friday- eat it! In the US we are emotionally addicted to food. It is a source of love, comfort, and sharing. Food is important. Don’t underestimate its power on your emotions. Going vegan will take you out of your element from time to time and I personally love to stuff those yucky emotions down with some delish comfort food.

So how do you do it? The first thing you need to do is read The Kind Diet- do it! It's whimsical and fun, plus there are some great recipes to get you started. (Disclaimer: there are also some weird difficult ones- don't be discouraged or turned off by these.) Most importantly Alicia talks about “flirting” with being a vegan/vegetarian. Do it at your own pace. Being a vegan requires shopping differently, eating differently, cooking differently, planning differently. It requires change <-- SCARY! It’s not difficult just different. Remember that. Quote it. Put it up in lights. Just make sure you focus on that little KNOWLEDGE GERNADE! (not quite a bomb) Just know it’s going to take time to re-teach yourself how to cook and eat. After all- we’ve all been eating the way the FDA has told us to for decades now.  

True story- walking into Whole Foods, Rollin’ Oats and even Greenwise was pretty anxiety provoking. This lifestyle is for hippies right? What do I know about that? And what the heck are these ingredients? *Insert Snookie WAHHHH* Well the truth is- a lot more than you think! Most of what you eat can be vegan/vegetarian if you just take the meat off the plate. So here’s my first BIG piece of advice
I spent a lot of money and a lot of stress at those stores trying to figure out the right way to eat healthy. I got all these crazy vegan recipes and completely flipped out trying to make 4 course meals from tofu and 18 ingredients I had never heard of. Um. . . why? I never cooked like that when I was using meat and dairy! Why do we suddenly feel this need to cook like we were trained at Le Cordon Bleu in London? Best recipe I ever read wasn’t really a recipe. It’s called a bowl- extremely creative.

The Bowl
Get a bowl.
Put a layer of a grain/carb/base on the bottom (rice, potato, noodles, whatever)
Put a layer of veggies on top (steamed, grilled, any variety you want)
Make an awesome sauce and dump as much as you want on top

See!! Not scary! Not hard! Not expensive! Not gross! I make different versions of the bowl at least once a week. You can do Mexican, Asian, American. You can use all the same prepped veggies and the same base three nights in a row and just change your sauce. Get CrAzY!! Woohoo!

And- for a very simple, yet very very important rule- DO NOT REPLACE YOUR MEAT WITH CARBS!!! This is such an easy trap to fall into, and it’s best if you are aware of this from the beginning. Being vegan has two parts- a love for animals and a love for health. You are not doing anyone any favors by eating the same diet you were before and only removing certain parts (meat, dairy). You MUST supplement. The best way to do this is greens! Make sure you are getting in a variety of veggies and I would recommend that you start taking a multivitamin ASAP!  (I am not a doctor- do what is best for you and if you need a medical opinion get one from a professional- ‘cause sweetie I’m not one!)

So to KISS this article (Vegan cheesey comment count: 1) here’s a little summary of a few ways to make the transition a bit easier.

-Change may be scary and different. It doesn’t have to be hard!

-Don’t go cold turkey and deprive yourself- maintenance is key.
-Read The Kind Diet.
-Everyone feels lost in the beginning- trust me you’re not.  You know more than you think!
-Don’t remove- replace! Just not with carbs!  

I like think of the picture below as a metaphor for going vegan. You're the one with the rocket on your back. Those scared little guys on the left of you are meat eaters. And the rocket? That rocket is my blog- shooting you into a life where animals are super happy and we all have 6 packs. 


Monday, May 2, 2011

Why me? Why vegetarian?

* Let me just go ahead and start this off by sounding completely cliche and corny- there's really no better way to do it! *

Why? It’s such a simple word, and yet so deeply profound. Why is it exactly that we choose to ask "why" rather than "why not"? But that is a rant I will save for another day, another post! For now I will give the simply “why” answer, but I believe as you travel on your journey as a vegan or vegetarian, you too will quickly began to ask “why not?” as there simply is no good reason to eat animals. (You can exhale now. The cheesy intro is over.)

Back to the point- Why choose to be vegan or vegetarian? For me it’s simple. My family! Growing up as the middle of three sisters there was a lot of estrogen in the house, and we didn't particularly care for icky things- meat being one of them. My mother was never a fan of red meat and considering she did all the cooking, neither did the rest of us. My poor daddy. So I guess, in a sense, I've always sorta been grossed out by meat- just not to the extent that I am now that I am somewhat knowledgeable on the subject. 

One journey leads to another. . . 
It came as no big surprise when my brilliant little sis, Callie, announced her vegetarianism, and subsequently her veganism to the family. Actually, being naturally skinny and admittedly anti-gym, I suppose the focus on health was a bit of a shock, but her being the first to know about a hot new trend to save the world wasn't anything new. I don't how she does it. Seeing how I've always thought my younger sister was cooler than me and I already wasn't a big fan of meat I started testing the waters. Luckily so did my mom and my older sister, which made it super awesome! Callie is our little trailblazer! 

So I started eating. . . and shopping. . . 
I was introduced to a little something called Leek Crostinis with Pesto. O M G. Straight from Alicia Silverstone's The Kind Diet. Do it. These little bites of heaven will make you wonder why you ever needed meat. They are deeeelish.  From my first bite my love of healthy, fresh, vegetarian food grew. It became a lot of fun trying out new recipes and shopping at awesome stores like Whole Foods and Greenwise. I wasn't really sure about my commitment to an entire life of this, but it was a pretty fun hobby for sure! I love food, I love shopping (even if it is for food) and I wasn't a big fan of meat so this whole thing was right up my alley.

Then I started reading. . . . 
It was over after that. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to go back to meat. The dairy is a bit more difficult (I <3 CHEESE), but I'm getting there. I eat vegan about 70% of the time, and vegetarian the other 30%. Once I read Eating Animals, my life was literally changed. (Corny comment count: 2) But it was. 

Then I started feeling and looking super rad . . . 
Ready for some grossness (I’m probably going to regret posting this on the web)- I used to have issues with weird flaky skin on my scalp, my back, my big toe- you get the picture. I'd gone to a couple of different dermatologists, and got a slew of neat-O meds to clear it up, but it always came back. Now it’s gone! TA-DA!! Anyone who has known me for more than the last year knows some pretty significant changes have taken place in my life- and therefore my lifestyle- which probably have had a great deal to do with my current state of health. But none of those changes caused such a rapid change in the way I feel. Whenever I do eat meat or dairy now- Im sick! That is not normal! (Did you know that we are the only mammal in the world who drinks milk past infancy? Not only that, but we’re the only animals to drink a different species milk- GROSS! If it’s not found anywhere else in the natural world- ITS NOT NATURAL! BAM- knowledge bomb!).

In summary:
Meat has always been a little creepy to me, but now thanks to my lil sis, the rest of my family and a good deal of research I stopped eating diseased flesh and now look and feel better than I ever have! Hooray! So why not stop eating meat?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Monday March 14, 2011 
(Ok, so its actually Tuesday- close enough!)

"It might sound naive to suggest that whether you order a chicken patty or a veggie burger is a profoundly important decision... Deciding what to eat (and what to toss overboard) is the founding act of production and consumption that shapes all others.  Choosing leaf or flesh, factory farm or family farm, does not in itself change the world, but teaching ourselves, our children, our local communitities, and our nation to choose conscience over ease can.  One of the greatest opportunitities to live our values --- or betray them --- lies in the food we put on our plates.  And we will live or betray our values not only as individuals, but as nations." - EA

I have never read anything more profound related to veganism/vegetarianism. Since living in Costa I have realized just how addicted we (Americans) are to CONVENIENCE! Its unbelievable. I can only hope that by being a vegetarian, not only for health, but also for humane reasons, I will one day teach my children that its ok to inconvenience ourselves to do the right thing. No one ever said not eating flesh was easy, just right. 


Monday, March 7, 2010

"The average shrimptrawling operation throws 80 to 90 percent of the sea animals it captures overboard, dead or dying, as bycatch. (Endangered species amount to much of this bycatch.) Shrimp account for only 2 percent of global seafood by weight, but shrimp trawling accounts for 33 percent of global bycatch. We tend not to think about this because we tend not to know about it. What if there were labeling on our food letting us know how many animals were killed to bring our desired animal to our plate? So, with trawled shrimp from Indonesia, for example, the label might read: 26 pounds of other sea animals were killed and tossed back into the ocean for every 1 pound of this shrimp." - Eating Animals

This lent season try giving up meat (including fish) every Monday and Friday. You'll be sure to drop a few pounds and become a healthier person from the inside out! Not to mention the positive impact it will have on the environment and the number of animals lives it will save!!