A quirky newlyweds exploration of veganism/vegetarianism, building a relationship with Christ, living in a new country and a desperate attempt to discover happiness and satisfaction within. All while trying to put a clever and entertaining twist on her crazy perspective of this world. After all, at the end of the day, all that really matters is laughter and love.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Occupy Wall Street and the connection to food

I have to say I find the whole "Occupy Wall Street" thing a mess. There are a bunch of people with a ton of different platforms and different agendas playing hookie from real life in order to accomplish. . . well Im not really sure what they are trying to accomplish. Do they really plan on protesting until Wall Street closes down? Or should all CEO's just walk out there and hand them the keys and rights to their companies? When is it time for them to stop protesting? I've heard a great deal of speculation on what exactly the protesters want, but to be honest, I'm still unclear. And if someone is interested in, researching, and reading about this thing and still can't figure it out, then they are doing something wrong. While they may have some valid points the utter and complete lack of organization makes it pretty hard to take them seriously.
Of course, I firmly believe in the importance of looking at every situation from several angles. Although I may believe one way about something, if I am unwilling to hear the other side of the story, then I must somehow know I am wrong. You shouldn't fear criticism or healthy debate, but rather use it to strengthen and sometimes even change your views.
When I came across this article I was impressed. While I do think it is irresponsible (and ultimately pointless) to poop on a side street in New York to prove an unknown point, understanding the connection between the food on your plate and the government and large corporations is something that should be examined.

Why the Food Movement should Occupy Wall Street

While I don't agree with the title of the article there is some excellent insight. I think if you want something you need to work for it, not stand around and complain about it.

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