A quirky newlyweds exploration of veganism/vegetarianism, building a relationship with Christ, living in a new country and a desperate attempt to discover happiness and satisfaction within. All while trying to put a clever and entertaining twist on her crazy perspective of this world. After all, at the end of the day, all that really matters is laughter and love.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bottled water- Have we been duped?

One of my most well educated, world traveled and ethically sound friends sent this to me (I love you Priscilla Kuehnel!). It's the story of water bottles. A large part of working to live an animal product free life is the focus on the environment. While I felt I knew most of this information, I did not know it to the extent it is revealed in this short film. I was also completely floored when watching the section on where our "recycled" water bottles go. What is so stunning about this information is the remarkable similarity I see between the beverage industry and the meat industry.

The story of bottled water

Thank Pris! You're always teaching me something new!

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